Major Dynasties of Ancient India

Maurya Dynasty (323 B.C.-184 B.C.)

Chandragupta Maurya (324-300 B.C.): He founded the Maurya Empire in India with the help of Kautilya. He was a military genius and an eminent statesman.

Ashoka the Great (273-232 B.C.) : Coronation in 269 B.C. He was the son of Bindusara. He conquered Kalinga in 261 B.C. This war killed the soldier in him and he embraced Buddhism.

.Kushan Dynasty (40-176 A.D.)

Kanishka (78-101 or 102 AD.) : He is known as a great empire builder. Like Ashoka he patronized Buddhism. He patronized the Gandhara School of Art. The famous Indian physician Charak and Bhuddhist scholar Nagarjuna lived during his reign. Ashwaghosh a
Buddhist monk also lived in his time.

Gupta Dynasty (319-500 A.D.)

The great rulers in this dynasty are: (1) Chandra Gupta I. (2) Samudra Gupta, (325-375 A.D.), also known as Napoleon of India, (3) Chandra Gupta II. (380-412 A.D.) (Vikramaditya), and (4) Skanda Gupta (455-467 A.D.). The Gupta period is described as the golden period in the history of ancient India. Among the great personalities of the period mention may be made of Kalidas, the famous dramatist, Aryabhatta, the famous
astronomer and mathematician. Varahamihir and Brahma-gupta also belonged to this age.

Pallava and Chalukya Dynasty

Pallava Dynasty : The Pallavas power reached its glorious heights during the reign of
Narasimhavarman II (695-722 A.D.) who is well-known for his architectural achievements. The Cholasdefeated king Aparajita and took over their kingdoms towards the close of the 9th century A.D.

Chalukyas : Pulkeshin I was the founder of this dynasty. He made Kanchi or Modern Badami his capital. His grandson Pulkeshin II (609-642) was the most distinguished ruler of this dynasty. He measured swords with king Harsha and defeated him on the bank of the Narmada.

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